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Agency Fees

We are committed to provide best quality quick services to Canadian. We have same day processing service with additional cost. Please select agency processing speed. Each provincial government take different time to process (start from 2 to 8 weeks).


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Corporation's Info


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Authorization and Certify

  • - The corporation has not commenced any business activities
  • - None of the shares of the corporation have been issued
  • - No debts, obligations or liabilities of the corporation
  • - There are no proceedings pending in any court against the corporation.
  • - The dissolution has been duly authorized [as per clause 237 (a) or (b) of the Business Corporations Act]
  • - The corporation has obtained consent from the Minister of Revenue to the dissolution and has filed all notices and returns as required

Director(s)'s Authorization:  


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Address for Document


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Authorization and Certify

  • - no proceedings pending in any court against the corporation.
  • - obtained consent from the Minister of Revenue to the dissolution and has filed all notices and returns as required
  • - dissolution has been duly authorized under clause 237(a) or (b) [as applicable] of the Business Corporations Act

Indicate by checking the appropriate statement. The Corporation has:

Director(s)'s Authorization:  


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Property Information

Indicate by checking the appropriate statement after satisfying the interests of the creditors in all its debts, obligations and liabilities, if any, the corporation:


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Final Cost

Final Estimated Price (Including GST/HST) :

Order Summary

Description Information Quantity Price
Discount :
Total :
Dissolve a Corporate