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Business Name

There are no limitations or specific requirements with respect to the name of a PREC other than those imposed on any business corporation incorporated or continued under the Ontario Business Corporations Act. The name must meet the normal rules for corporation names and should not suggest that the PREC itself is trading in real estate. An example of an appropriate name would be the individual Registrant’s name followed by a “Personal Real Estate Corporation”. For example: “Jane Doe Personal Real Estate Corporation”

Your Names / ( distinctive + descriptive)


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Corporation Address

Corporation Address is mandatory to be physical legal address or legal land description. PO box or UPS store box is not appropriate for Corporation Address. Corporation address can be change anytime in future.

M1L 3W5


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Director: The Controlling Director


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PREC Winter Package Includes

We are committed to provide best quality quick services to Canadian. We have One hour incorporation service with additional cost. Our expert team will review, analyze, reserve and collect name approval from government for incorporation. PREC Package includes:

Package Includes

Not included in Package


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Primary Shareholder (The Controlling Director)


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Second Shareholder


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Primary Director: Address


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Third Shareholder


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Fourth Shareholder


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Final Cost

The final estimated price is (Including GST/HST):

Order Summary

Description Information Quantity Price
Discount :
Total :
PREC Incorporation Form